ServiceNow System Administrator Questions

ServiceNow System Administrator Questions

1. How do you modify the field behavior?
Ans: Right click> Personalize > Dictionary

2. What do you mean by Elevated Privileges?
Ans: A role that has special permissions for the duration of the log in session

3. Where are customizations stored?
Ans: sys_update_xml [Customer Update] table.

4. RITM stands for?
Ans: Requested Item

5. Coalesce in import set?
Ans: Reduce chances of Data Redundancy during import.

6. Where does Home page list and Impersonate Icon present?
Ans: Present on banner

7. What are the UI components of a homepage?
Ans:Banner, Content pane and Application Navigator

8. Where will you find option to edit a list?
Ans: List control

9. What changes are not captured in update sets?
Ans: New user/group records and modification to a CI record.

10. If a user is not given filter_global or filter_admin role, what will be the impact?
Ans: He can save the custom filter for himself only, neither for his group nor globally.

11. What is security_admin role?
Ans: It comes after enabling Hi security plugin. (Elevated privileges)

12. In which part of UI will you find help (link to wiki) option?
Ans: On header bar in Banner

13. Global Search option can be found in which part of UI?
Ans: On Banner

14. If prefix of Incident needs to be changed, which table should I refer?
Ans: Number Maintenance table [sys_number]

15. If workflow is not published, only checked out will it be captured in update sets?
Ans: No, only published workflows are captured in update sets.

16. Where is workflow versions captured?
Ans: wf_workflow_version table

17. What is SaaS?
Ans: Software as a Service

18. Which field should be there in table that identifies that it should be captured in Update Sets?
Ans: update_synch attribute

19. How ACL is applied?
Ans: only on table and field level.

20. What is a Column and row in a table?
Ans: Column is a field and row is a record.

21. What is true about Service catalog variables?
Ans: They are global.

22. How to set display value for any field?
Ans: By using dictionary

23. After save on form. Which fields get stored in activities log?
Ans: Audited fields.

24. In case of Client Script which field should be true to apply client script on all views?
Ans: Global field

25. What is sys_id?
Ans: Unique Record Identifier (32-Character)

26. What is condition contains?
Ans: a field,an oprerator and a value

27. Button, Related Links and Context Menu these are?
Ans: UI Actions.

28. What is the use of an Order Guide?
Ans: To order multiple items in single Request

29. Which module is used for create a new Catalog item?
Ans: Maintain items

30. Application visibility is determined by?
Ans: User Role

31. What is retroactive start in SLA?
Ans: Retroactive Start determines the SLA’s behavior if it is attached to the task at a point later than the task’s creation. If Retroactive Start is true, then the SLA will time from the task’s Created On date and time.

32. Can an onchange client script run unload?
Ans: Yes

33. What is single sign on?
Ans: Bypass the ServiceNow login authentication by allowing a user of your corporate portal to automatically login to the system with centrally managed roles and authorization. External Authentication, also referred to as SSO (Single Sign-on), is a method of access control that enables a user to log in once and gain access to the resources of multiple software systems without being prompted to log in again.

34. What is Order in UI Policy?
Order: We can enter the sequence in which this UI policy is evaluated if more than one matching UI policy exists. The order is evaluated from the lowest value to the highest value.

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