An incident is an unexpected interruption to any service.
In ITSM, if user is facing any unexpected interrution, he should raise an incident ticket.
In servicenow for end user,it will be so easy to create an incident through catalog item (internally record producer) i.e. “Can we help you” option in service catalog, if we are not giving any access to incident module or application menu.
After Creating Incident, that incident should go into queue of “Incident Queue Manager” and he will decide the field “assigned group” and then the incidet will again go to that assigned group Queue manager and now assinged group queue manager will decided the “assigned to” field,who will be working on that incident.
Incident can be raised for following issues.
1.User is not able to login.
2.User is not able to see any module
3.User is not able to swipe the card at entry gate
4.User is not getting mails
Problem is raised because of one or more incidents.
If more than one incident’s are raised because of same issue, we will raise one problem for all the incidents.
Problem is one step ahead of incident.
For example:
Adul user is not able to login in servicenow isntance he raised an incident via call.
Abdul incident number INC0001
In current situation, there may be some sort of change for Abdul’s account only as we got an incident from Abdul only,so we can guess i.e. its not an issue with system but the issue with account.
but after some time, users B, C , D are also facing the issue while login so they have raised problem.
B incident number INC0002
C incident number INC0003
D incident number INC0004
Now Incident Queue Manager got to know, there are 4 incidents for the same issue, so by basic understanding its an issue with system configuration or the major issue which can be affected by more users and for the same issue we will be having multiple tickets so better to have one and resolved the issue ASAP.
So the Incident Queue manager will raise a Problem PRB001 for all the 4 incidents.
Every incident record will contains the parent record as PRB001 for tracking purpose.
Change is the ticket for changing some stuff to resolve the incident or change.
If you consider the same example above, We have problem for the login issue and it is assinged to Engineer to resolve. He got the solution where he need to change some setting for login page.
To change the login page setting, he need to raise a change and assinged to himself or other department person who is going to change the settings.
Now we have INC001, INC0002,INC0003,INC0004 and PRB001 and one change CHG001.
All incident is having parent as PRB001 and problem is having parent as CHG001.
We need to resolve the parent if we need to resolve the child one it means we cant resolve or close incident before closing change.