- Consider setting the Priority for async business rules as the system uses this value when creating the associated scheduled job.
- Accessible from : Scope protection for a global business rule.
- Note: This field is visible only when the Table field is set to Global. It does not apply to rules that run on specific tables.
- Browser tab title glide.product.name – Change the text that appears on the browser tab
- Display Business rule runs :Before the form is presented to the user, just after the data is read from the database.
- Asynchronous business: rules do not have access to the previous version of a record. Therefore, the changes(), changesTo(), and changesFrom() GlideElement methods do not work with async rule script. However, the condition builder and condition field (advanced view) both support the changes(), changesTo(), and changesFrom() methods.
- You can prevent recursive business rules by using the setWorkflow() method with the false parameter.
var qq=”sys_created_on>javascript:
gs.dateGenerate(‘2016-03-01′,’ 12:00:00′)^u_customer_ticket_ numberISNOTEMPTY”; var tt=new GlideRecord(“incident”);tt.addEncodedQuery(qq);tt.query();while(tt.next()){tt.u_customer_task_number=tt.u_customer_ticket_number; tt.setWorkflow(false);tt.update();tt.setWorkflow(false);} - Business rules on specific tables cannot be accessed by other business rules or scripts
For tables that are in a different scope than the business rule record, the types of rules are limited.
- You can create a rule where When is async with any of the following options:
- Insert, Update, and Delete database operations. You cannot select Query.
- Set field values actions and scripts (the Script field).
- You can create a rule where When is before with any of the following options:
- Insert, Update, and Delete database operations. You cannot select Query.
- Set field values actions only. You cannot write scripts and you cannot abort the database transaction.
- You cannot create any other types of business rules on tables in a different scope.
- You can create a rule where When is async with any of the following options:
- Global business rules are business rules where the Table field is set to Global. Global business rules may be accessible on multiple tables and from other scripts, depending on their scope protection.