- Where is Global Search?
- Global search is located on the banner. It is denoted by a magnifier sign. Global searches the whole service-now database for the given keywords.
- We can set the Global text search properties on Navigate to
- Difference between Save and Submit.
- Save saves your changes and keeps you on the same form (configurations form) for further working. However, submit option saves your data and redirects you to the original form.
- Context Menu
- When you right click on Form Header or the columns on the list view, you will get the Context Menus.
- Application Menu, Modules.
- Application Menu is a collection of several modules. Modules are designed to access certain functions that would access or manipulate data in a specific table. Thus, related modules are grouped in one application menu for better administration. Modules cannot be accessed without an Application Menu. One application menu may have several modules. One module only has one application menu.
- What is order in Application Menu module?
- Modules are displayed in an application menu. In order to display those modules in a defined order, an admin needs to specify the order for each module. This order is in form of numbers where 1 is the highest.
- Can we give access to an ITIL user to create a module?
- We can give access to an ITIL user to create a module (for this we need to check the ACLs on module table )
- What is override Application Menu role?
- Roles enable if the user sees a certain module or application menu or not. Suppose, a module does not have a role that it’s application menu possesses, the user that has the role enabled for the module but not for the application module would not be able to see the module as the application menu’s role would hide every module under it. Thus, to enable the user with the role as same as the module, “override application menu role” checkbox must be ticked. As the name suggests, after enabling this option, the system would not take into recognition the application menu role and the user would be able to access the module.
- For example, Application Menu – Example1 has role – Role1. Module – module1 in Example1 has role Role2. User – userEx has role – Role2. Without checking “override application menu role” checkbox in the module – module1, the user won’t be able to see the module. After checking the checkbox, the user would be able to do it.
- Platform Table, User defined table, Custom table.
- Platform Table is created by the system and has a prefix of “sys_”.
- User defined table is created by the user and has a prefix of “u_” by default.
- Custom tables are created by custom and have their respective prefixes. For example, “change_task”, “change_request”, “import_log”
- Slash bucket
- This is the ui component we will see when we are changing the list or the form layouts.
- Difference between gear/personalize & Configure list layout
- If we use the gear or personalize option to change the list layout, it will affect on only the current logged in user. Admin, ITIL user can use the personalize option.
- Configure–> List layout is accessed by Admin users only. If we (admin) use the configure–>list layout option to change the list layout, it will affect on all the users for that perticular table.
- Roles
- Roles are the fundamental part of service-now. The whole service-now architecture is somewhere related to roles. Users, modules, tables, application menus, etc. all have roles assigned to them. Only users with same roles as the application menu or table or module are able to access them. Thus, roles are the basic filter of authorization for several users. Roles has its own table. This table contains the list of all the roles in the environment. These are mapped to users, menus, modules, etc. using many to many mapping tables. The table for roles is sys_user_role.
- How to identify child record in parent table?
- Class field determines which table the record belongs to.
- Difference between lists personalized option & list layout option.
- Views as the name suggests is just a layout that is customization for various users. Admins can create different views for different users, thus the respective users would only see the module in that view. Views can be used to restrict the visibility of certain fields.
- Display value
- Display value is related to the reference field. Whenever you are referring the table through a reference field in some other table, the display field’s value is shown. If the display value is set to true for a certain field, that field is considered as the display field and that value will be displayed when referring the table. There can be only one display field in a table.
- Display fields can be overridden over the display fields of the parent table.
- Elevated role
- Elevated roles are related to admins. Admins usually have whole access to the configuration. However, some tables, modules, etc. must be protected from the admin’s regular use also. For example, security config must be hidden for regular use. When a role is marked with elevated privilege and added to the admin’s roles, the role is added as an elevated role. This role can be enabled on crisis times through an option called “elevate roles” which appears on the drop down of the username in the banner.
- What is Collection type?
- We have type=collection for all the table records in Dictionary entry table.