Service Catalog is way to providing available services and product offering by organisation. There promote their offering in structured way and satisfies customer needs.
It provides:
– Self services to the customers
– single portal all service and product offerings.
– Management of customer expectations.
Catalog (Group of Categories)
Category (Group of catalog item)
Catalog item
example – Electricians Devices
Category – The Categories related list defines the categories available within the catalog.
example – Mobile,Laptop.
Catalog item – The product on which request is generated.
example – Mouse,Hard disk.
Example for how this process works
Suppose one customer wants to order laptop from amazon.
1) So he send request for that
2) For that one RITM ticket will generated
3) For that Task are generated like product availability,shipping,delivery
How to create your own catalog
1)Navigate to Service Catalog > Catalog Definition > Maintain Catalogs.
2)Select New.
Then form will display.On that fill following fields
i)Title-Name of catalog
ii)Description – Information about the catalog, displayed on page.
iii) Background Color – The background color used for the catalog.
- iv) Desktop image – Image will displayed on your homepage
- v) Active – heck box to indicate whether the catalog is available to end users.
3) save.
Here you have created catalog.Now next step is to create catagories.
1)Navigate to Service Catalog > Catalog Definition > Maintain Catagories.
2)Select New.
Then form will display.On that fill following fields
- i) Title-Name of catalog
- ii) Parent-Any parent category for which this category is a subcategory.
iii)Catalog – The catalog this category belongs to.
- iv) Description – Information about the category.
There are other option also but no need to need to fill at basic level.
Note – you can apply users also.defining which users can and cannot access that category.
i)In a category record, navigate to the Available For or Not Available For related lists.
- ii) Click Edit to add an existing user criteria record, or click New to create a new one.
iii) Save the record.
Here you have created catagories.Now next step is to create catalog items.
1) Navigate to Service Catalog > Catalog Definition > Maintain Items.
2) Click New.
3) Enter the catalog item detail
- i) Name – Enter the item name to appear in the catalog.
ii)Catalogs – Select the catalogs this item appears in.
iii) Category – Select a category for the item.
- iv) Description – A full description of the item
- v) Workflow or Execution Plan – Select either a workflow or an execution plan to define how the item request is fulfilled
- vi) Price – Set a price for the item
vii) picture – image for catalog item.
4) save
5) try it.
There are other option also but no need to need to fill at basic level.
Now we have created our own catalog. To add this in catalog so that others can see this we have to add this in catalog
1) Navigate to Service Catalog > Catalogs.
2) upper right corner there is add(+) symbol.
3) add your catalog.
Through that you can go to item an you can order that.when you click on that request you can see RITM tickit generated.
Suppose you want to do additional things on your catalog such as customer can fill extra information through fields eg name,address. This can be achieved from variables.
Variables – the options available for tailoring a catalog item to meet specific needs.
In simple words variable is fields on catalog item.
1) Go to catalog item
2) go to variables–>new
3) fill form
- i) select type
- ii) select catalog item
iii) Add Question name
Variable set – Suppose there are 50 catalog item and we have to add number of variables then it it not fisible to add variables on each to do this there is variable set through which we can add multiple varaibles and assign that set to items.
1) go to variables set
2) click on new
3) fill the form
4) then go to variable set on catalog item and edit it and add your set.
Order guide
If customer wants to oder more than one item in single request then order guide is used.
Order guides determine which catalog items to order by evaluating order guide rule conditions.
Process :
Describe Needs: Enter information. Order guide rules evaluate this information to determine which catalog items to order.
Choose Options: Select configuration options for the ordered items and provide any additional information needed.
Check Out: Review and edit item information, then click Submit Order to place the request.
Creating Order guide:
1)Navigate to Service Catalog > Catalog Definition > Order Guides.
2)Click New.
3) fill the form.
4) Right-click the form header and click Save.
5)In the Rule base related list, define the rules that determine which items are included in an order.
i)Navigate to Service Catalog > Catalog Definition > Order Guides.
II)Open an order guide.
iii)In the Rule base related list, click New.
iv)Fill in the fields
– If this condition is true – for applying condition mudt be true.
– Include this item-
note -There some more fields
v)Click Submit.
6) [Optional] In the Variables related list, define any variables required.
so when you go to item and if u filled information and if condition met then it shows respective item.
Then you have to check out ,fill info,there will be 3 RITM tyickits will generate.