MSP – Domain Separation in Service now MSP –Managed Service Providers It is a paid plugin, user needs a Maint Role to activate…
Assignment – Sushrut
Assignment – Sanika
Client –Script-1 function onLoad() { //Type appropriate comment here, and begin script below g_form.setMandatory(“u_startdate”,true); g_form.setMandatory(“u_enddate”,true); var t=new GlideAjax(“event”); t.addParam(“sysparm_name”,”disp”); t.getXML(book); function book(response){ var…
gs.print(new GlideDateTime(“2011-08-01 12:00:00”).getDate()); var tt=new GlideDateTime().getDate(); gs.print(tt); var ss=new GlideDateTime(“2017-11-04 12:00:00”).getDate(); gs.print(ss); gs.print(Date()); …………………………………………………………………………. var g = new GlideDate(); g.setValue(‘2015-01-01’);; var gDT =…
Javascript function
function is an Object in javascript Javascript function has properties as well as methods. Normal function Declaration function functionName(argumentparemeters){ } Anonymous Function…
Javascript Looping examples
if ..else.. if (a < 1) { skill = “Java”; } else if (a < 2) { skill = “PHP”; } else { skill…
Javascript Output : We have following ways through that we can display the output from javascript document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = 1+0; property of innerHTML of HTML…
“Javascript:” in servicenow
If you want to write the code of server side in the client side such as in default value or the refer quilifer, we…
HTML and CSS example
sample first second third z_index
Override Display Value
Ex.4- Refer SHORT DESCRIPTION field of TASK table on any table with type REFERENCE . Sol. Open form ParentP1->Right Click -> select configure ->…